August 21, 2011

OMG There is a baby on the way!

YAY!!! Exciting news everyone! A week today, I took a home pregnancy test & found out I was going to have a little one! My husband didn't believe it. So he bought me 2 more home pregnancy test. To make sure that the test was correct, my husband & I went to the doctors on base & had my blood work done. It came back positive. My husband was in suprised! So after 3 home test & a blood work later, I'm now 9 weeks along in my pregnancy. I am super excited & cannot wait to start planning for my little one!

August 17, 2011

Into God's Kingdom

Recently is week, I lost two of my friends in a motocycle accident. Here is a prayer for you, your families & friends.

Eternal rest grant unto them,
O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.


You will be greatly missed Kristie & Ron ! Watch over us & guide us safely.

They both had big hearts & big smiles that can brighten even the cloudest days. I love you & miss you both!

Happy 25th Anniversary: SIlver Year

Just wanted to let everyone know that my parents & my co-work just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversay! How excited! Keep that love going strong.